Discovery Anita Dorion Discovery Anita Dorion

Breaking Out Of Your Wine Rut: Cali Cab Sauv Edition

It’s so easy to get caught in a rut when it comes to wine. You find something that you love, and you keep buying it over and over again. Now, don’t get me wrong - it’s great to know a couple bottles that you know you’re gonna love and always have those in your back packet, but how do you know what to pick when you’re feeling just slightly adventurous?

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Wine 101 Anita Dorion Wine 101 Anita Dorion

What Are Tannins?

Tannins and red wine go hand in hand, and I’m sure you’ve heard the word thrown around as a descriptor - and perhaps you’ve used it as well. But do you really know what tannins are?

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Discovery Anita Dorion Discovery Anita Dorion

Wines I Bought This Week (02/07/21)

This week was all about pinot noir for me - and it wasn’t even on purpose. Pinot Noir is a finicky grape that can be oh-so-delicious or oh-so-yikes, so it’s always an adventure trying out new ones. Now, I’ve always wanted to try pinot noirs from all these regions, so it was just my luck while browsing the Paris Paris wine shop that I came across these 3 beauties.

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Wine 101 Anita Dorion Wine 101 Anita Dorion

Cabernet Sauvignon

Being in North America, when you think Cab Sauv, I’m sure a majority of us immediately think of California. And while California does have some excellent examples of the wine, this grape really does flourish in a variety of regions around the world.

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Wine 101 Anita Dorion Wine 101 Anita Dorion

Pinot Noir

One of the most temperamental grapes in the world, Pinot Noir can produce some of the most elegant reds, however it can also produce some very mediocre reds. It’s all about the climate and winemaking influences with Pinot Noir.

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